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Dan Kennedy's Magnetic Marketing Podcast

Jun 24, 2022

In today's online and highly interconnected world there are more opportunities than ever to get the word out about your business, but is your message being constructed in the right way and to the right people? If not, it won't matter how many people you're able to reach - your leads will still struggle to convert to...

Jun 17, 2022

Having trouble converting leads to sales? You might have an excellent product or service, but if it's not being marketed correctly then your closing percentages will always be lackluster at best.

In part one of this two part episode, Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer discuss the first four of eight factors that play...

Jun 10, 2022

The common excuse for not utilizing paper and/or email newsletters as a tool in business is that it takes too much time. Dan would argue that no one complains about eating or sleeping taking too much time, so why would anyone say the same about something that is just as essential to the health of a business?


Jun 3, 2022

Though you may not recognize his name, it's more than likely you recognize the book series he founded and co-created: Chicken Noodle Soup For The Soul. Prolific author and speaker Mark Victor Hansen joins Dan in this week's episode to discuss the qualities and the mindset that are vital in order to get others excited...